
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

A new verification

A verie drop through the letter box today, for Radio Taiwan Internaitonal. I caught them on the 1st February broadcasting in English on 9405 kHz.

The verie is pictured below

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Convention Approaches

The New Zealand Radio DX League's 70th Anniversary Convention, is set to start in just over two weeks' time at the Moir Point Christian Camp in Mangawhai, New Zealand. Mangawhai is our new home to be and is also the home of League Treasurer, ex President and Life Member, Bryan Clark and his wife Sandra.

Moir Point Christian Camp (see below), is on a spit of land, right on the ocean (in this case the Mangawhai inlet). It is planned to erect a number of good sized EWEs and these will be coupled to antenna splitters and amplifiers.

From Easter until the end of September, it is Latin season in New Zealand. Already signals from Uruguay, Argentina and Brasil have been heard,  while on the X Band a Mexican and a Peruvian station have been identified.

At this time 11 or so years ago (the similar point of the solar cycle) Ray Crawford, Sutton Burtenshaw, Steven Greenyer, Arthur DeMaine and the late Paul Aronsen would frequent Tiwai during the Easter break. We would then hea don to Waianakarua and Paul Ormandy's crib (hut) in the middle of nowhere. We had some fantastic DX in those days and only got a fraction of the veries back from the reports we sent out.

The highlight of this time for me is two fold - one I did hear and one I didn't. The one I didn't hear was Ray Crawford's logging of Radio Educadora in Limeria, Brazil on 2380 kHz (250 w), which he got verified and the one I did hear, but didn't get back, was CX42 1370 (2.5kw) in Montevideo. I got a tremendous id, but they wouldn't reply.

The latter was heard on an incredible night at Waianakarua when we heard Argentinians and Uruguayans. They were everywhere at wonderful levels. It was like shooting fish in a barrel - which one to take next was the problem. Ah, to even have a smidgen of that at Mangawhai - what a bonus that would be.
A new logging

Courtesy of the NZRDXL SDR in Russell, I have been able to log KSL in Salt Lake City, UT on 1160. The signal was fair, with a  good id at 0645 UTC. There were very deep fades in between the fair peaks.

I have emailed the station and sent a snippet of a recording, which featured the id, so hopefully something will come of it. I have heard the station a couple of times before but never bothered to write to it.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

New loggings

Work has been unexpectedly hectic of late as our exam candidates' time for departure approaches. Lots of loose ends need to be tied up so that means that there isn't as much time for listening. However, I have done a little listening as have logged Roumania (RRI) on 15255 in French at 1100 UTC (quite a good signal) and Tanzania/ Zanzibar on 11735 in Swahili. The signal was at quite good strength but there was some noise - this was at 1700 UTC. Also logged was Athmeeya Yatra Radio coming out of Nauen (Germany) also on 15235 in Tharu (not a language of which I have ever heard!). The signal was fair in strength, but steady.

A couple of weeks ago I recorded a segment of prgramming for KMRB, a Cantonese language station in Pasadena, CA on 1430. It runs at 9.8 kw, apparently, but the signal wasn't very strong and was mixed with a couple of other stations. The recording, lasting a minute or so, was of advertising (for ginseng!) I have sent it off with an email and await developments, hopefully not in vain!