
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Friday, 24 April 2020

The Month's Loggings

This is the month's loggings to date. Some have been seen before in postings below.

* means I listened on the DX League's north east EWE
# means I listened on the DX League's south east EWE

FreqAntennaTime UTCDetailsDate
560#0740ARGENTINA, (tentative) possibly RN Bahia Blanca - talk there in SS - given the way things are tonight it may well be the Argie.30/3
590#0729ARGENTINA, LS4 Radio Continental good with vocals // website. Up and down - QRM from 594.30/3
640*0835USA, KFI fair/ good with C to C. Mixed but dominant12/4
650*0909ALASKA, KENI fair/ poor with C to C.// website. Bad splash 65712/4
680#0915USA, KNBR, Poor with sports talk in EE, mixed with another. Fair 12/46/4
690#0834HAWAII. KHNR dominant station but mixed. Fair at best.3/4
750#0943USA, KXTG (tentative) poor wiht plenty of splash, but sports news - sounded like recording of commentary - up briefly.10/4
780*0924ALASKA, KNOM with mx and dominant. Mixed with KKOH and WBBM12/4
780#0858USA, KKOH up briefly with nx at 0900 // website.8/4
820#0843ARGENTINA, R Nacional Formosa fair with talk // website but bad splash from 8193/4
830*0900HAWAII, KHVH vg with ids on hour, covid 19 ads and then nx.17/4
840#0709ARGENTINA, LU2 R Bahia Blanca // website fair/ poor mixed with LV9 R Salta in peaks // its website30/3
850#0904URUGUAY, R Carve fair, but suffering from splash. Talk about the virus in SS. // to website with a delay. Great id 0644 30/328/3
860*0847MEXICO, XEMO with religious songs and SS message fair when up and mixed with KTRB (presumed)15/4
870#0731ARGENTINA, R Nacional Buenos Aires fair at best with mx // website.1/4
880#0820PERU - steady signal with religious chanting - lots of oh señor. It was in SS.2/4
920#0754PARAGUAY, R Nacional fair at best but deep fades. Mx - group vocals. // website1/4
930#0750URUGUAY, R Monte Carlo with vocals - fair // with website1/4
940#0755USA, KFIG fair but fading with talk - with the aerial pointing SE! No sign of any Latins.31/3
950*0850USA, KJR fair with sports nx. Mixed with mx stn under.14/4
1030#0833ARGENTINA, R Del Plata fair at best but bad splash from adjacent channels. Quite audible when they are quiet. // website1/4
1050*0858USA, KTCT vg with sports nx and adverts.17/4
1050#0850ARGENTINA, R San Francisco poor/ fair but mixed. Mx from website matched. Other stn## Also SS speaking.1/4
1090#0812USA, KFNQ fair/ poor with bad splash from 1089 - sports nx. // website.31/3
1100#0645USA, KFAX presumed with talk. Fair/ poor7/4
1170*0950STH KOREA, HLSR dominant on freq mixed 2CH and a Yank - unsure if it is KFAQ. Mx and at 1000 what sounds like a hymn or Nat Anthem then nx. Fair.12/4
1170#0858AUSTRALIA, 2CH fair/ good with classics on back end of SE aerial.9/4
1200#0818USA, WOAI good with C2C22/4
1206*0940UNKNOWN - mixed with Aussie. I initially thought Japan, but there is no JJ on freq. Possibly China - fair when on top.19/4
1210*0850HAWAII, KZOO dominant with JJ pops over presumed KPRZ with religious prgm. Fair but deep fades.12/4
1260*0940JAPAN, JOIR - steady under 3SR - JJ talk quite audible.12/4
1260*0825USA, KSUR fair/ poor mixed 3SR - as the night wore on 3SR got better. Playing Bohemian Rhapsody at 081818/4
1400#0745URUGUAY, CX14 R Zorrilla de San Martin // website fighting it out with LRG202 R Cumbre // website and a third stn. All 3 were poor, but peaked on occasion.30/3
1400#0548BRAZIL, R Rio de Janeiro fair wiht religious messgae in PP24/4
1422*1610JAPAN, JORF Yokohama in clear with lots of JJ talk. Faded and an Aussie took over - not sure which one16/4
1440*1615JAPAN, JOWF Sapporo over the top of Te Reo o Tauranga Moana then faded down.16/4
1460*0856USA, KION fair at best with C to C.15/4
1467*1620STH KOREA, HLKN Mokpo dominant on freq over 3ML with plenty of talk in KK.16/4
1470#0530PERU, R Felicidad with an amazing signal - mx. Id for FM freq.18/4
1490#0546ECUADOR, R Sta Maria in Azogues - 2 Latin stations mixed - one with talk and R Sta Maria with huayño music.23/4
1500*1626HAWAII, KHKA Fair with talk. Deep fades.16/4
1570*0845HAWAII, KUAU excellent with relgious message.21/4
1575*1640JAPAN, AFN Iwakuni (presumed). Otago access R was carrying BBC WS. However, underneath American voices were heard as well as pop mx. AFN picked up after 5am as the OAR signal deteriorated quite noticeably. .16/4
1620#0626ARGENTINA, La Radio Mar del Plata, thanks to Barry Hartley, fair at best. Played 'Volare" at 0626, tangos before that. Barry has chased this for a couple of days.19/4

Radio Santa Maria 1490

Radio Santa Maria 1490 has made its presence felt over the past few nights. It is situated in the Ecuadorian town of Azogues. On the 23rd it gave a full id on the hour. The evening I hear dit, it was playing huayño music either sid eof the hour.

Radio Rio de Janeiro 1400

Following a tip off from Paul Ormandy, I have logged Radio Rio de Janeiro on 1400 khz featuring religious programming. It was only up for a short while, but the quality of the signal was good. There was lots of talk in Portuguese.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

La Radio 1620 Mar del Plata

A real highlight has been hearing La Radio on 1620 from Mar del Plata in Argentina. League member Barry Hartley first discovered it and I logged it this evening. It was playing tango music just before 0600 and then changed tack in terms of music style thereafter. At 0626 it played the classic song Volare. A report will be sent.

Saturday, 18 April 2020


Conditions haven't really been great for mediumwave DX.

On the League's south east EWE 1470 Radio Felicidad is like a local every evening from about 0500 UTC. Radio Union in Lima is there most nights as well with lots of religious programming - halellujahs and senors etc.

The odd interesting thing creeps through. Radio Boa Ventade was there the other evening and it was reported that a Brazilian was heard on 1490 (Emisora Rio Sao Francisco, I think).

Listening on the north east EWE, the usual range of US stations has been heard. With a nummber of NZ stations going off air over the lockdown period, it has freed a few frequences up. Getting on to 1260 kHz early evening before the Aussies fade in is a good idea and last evening, although I was a little late, KSUR in Los Angeles was identified, logged and reported.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

A verie to hand

KBS Hanminjok (One Nation/ People) HLSR on 1170 kHz came in two nights ago very well indeed. It was a strong and clear signal wth the national anthem at 0858 and an announcement on the hour. My colleague at work gave me the translation of what was said and I sent an email off to KBS. They replied today.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

A quiet few nights

The highs of the end of March have not been repeated, but interesting things have been heard just the same.

880 Radio Unión in Lima, Peru was heard with an extended religious programme.

820 Radio Nacional Formosa in Argentina was heard. This may not have bene heaqrd before in New Zealand. Formose is a small state at the top of Argentina and sits just under Paraguay. Give we have receiving good coverage of Radio Nacional Del Paraguay, I wasn't entirley surprised to hear it. Unfortunately, the quality of the signal wasn't very good, but it was confirmed against the website.

There have been amny other teasing glimpses of what is there, but signlas have dropped off a bit leaving the locals to dominate the bands.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

More Latins

A great night for Argentinian, Uruguayan and Paraguayan stations.

Heard tonight were:

840 Radio Bahia Blanca (Argentina) poor/ fair with music.
850 Radio Carve (Uruguay) a good signal with music
870 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires (Argentina) at fair levels at best.
920 Radio Nacional del Paraguay (Paraguay) up and down but not bad when up.
930 Radio Monte Carlo (Uruguay) fair with vocals // to their website.
1030 Radio del Plata (Argentina) fair signal but very bad splash from 1026 and 1035.
1050 Radio San Francisco (Argentina) not a strong signal - audible when 1044 had brief silent moments. Music was // their wesite. At 0857 another came up with announcements, but nothing tangible.

I will send reports off to Radio Nacional BA and Radio del Plata.

Many thanks to Peter Mott who runs the NZRDXL SDRs for turning his aerial to the south east. The results have been excellent.