
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Loggings for the first half of April


FreqTime UTCDetails
5900803ARGENTINA, Unknown fair but mixed when KSSK in fade. Possibly R Nacional from what was heard elsewhere this evening. 16/4 SMF
8200808USA, WBAP Ft Worth TX fair with talk but mixed with a mx stn - can't work out which. 7/4 SMF
8400903ARGENTINA, R Bahia Blanca LU2 fair and clear with talk in SS // website. 8/4 SMF
8500925URUGUAY, R Carve (tentative) Fair in SS. Ads at 0927 then talk. //website. 8/4 SMF
8700848ARGENTINA, LRA1, R Nacional briefly in clear with id and talk in SS. Not strong, but clear. 7/4 SMF
8800754USA, KWIP Dallas OR (tentative) fair/ poor suffering very bad splash 882 with talk in SS. It does not sound like R Union. 5/4 SMF
8800908ARGENTINA, LU14 R Provincia de Santa Cruz mixed with another - a religious prgm but not R Union according to web feed. Fair at best but with deep fades. Sta Cruz had mx // website. 9/4 SMF
9700634USA, KHTY, Bakersfield, CA possibly with sports talk. Poor and bad splash - brief peaks. 8/4 SMF
10500853URUGUAY, R Uruguay fair at best with jazz prog. Deep fades and much noise. // web Thanks to BCM for the tip 12/4 SMF
11100852USA, KFAB fair with C to C 6/4 SMF
11100837USA, Unknown - possibly KRDC with song 'Hooked On A Feeling' fair at best. 1/21
12300958ARGENTINA, LT2 R Dos, Rosario (tentative) with SS talk. Don't think it was a US station, other Argentinian stations heard this evening. Fair on peaks, but they were few and far between. 13/4 SMF
13600839USA, KKMO Tacoma, WA poor with mx and axmnts in SS //web. Mixed with another SS - I don't think it is Bienestar. 6/4
14200824USA, KSTN Stockton CA fair at best with mx. Mixed with KKEA, but on top on occasion. Clear id at 0825 SMF 30/3
14801038PERU, R Espinar likely with SS axmnts and Andean mx 15/4 SMF #
15000711HAWAII, KHKA fair/ poor with sports talk. Interference from 1503. 2/4 SMF
15300823USA, KFBK Sacramento CA - fair with talk but mixed with The Wireless SMF 2/4

A further new verie

 KZOO 1210 in Honolulu has come back for an April 2020 logging. I sent the report via Messenger and reveid a reply almost a year later. Another welcome verie.

Friday, 16 April 2021

A new verie

 KSTN 1420 in Stockton, CA has come back with a verie for a logging on March 30. They were heard with a music program with no sign of the Hawaiian KKEA. I sent the report via their Facebook page and back came the reply just over a week later. I have only just seen it.

Thanks to the people at The Bull 105.9!

Monday, 12 April 2021

A new logging

 Conditions have been a bit up and down of late. I recently installed a new EWE pointing more or less south east. as a result I have been hearing some South Americans, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay.

I will post a list of my loggings for April shortly. 

In the meantime I was very pleased to hear Radio Uuruguay last evning broadcasting on 1050 kHz. They were playing a programme of jazz music and at times were heard at quite good levels. There was no sign of the station I normally hear on that frequency, KTCT in California.

I have sent a report off as well as a short recording, so hopefully something may come of it.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

A new verie

 A verie has come in from CDNK on 7580. This comes out of Uzbekistan, broadcasts in Korean and is destined for North Korea. The verie was signed by J from the Republic of Korea and the email address was thfskan54@gmail.com

I recorded the programme at 1359 for the opening and it registered S9 here in NZ.