
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Loggings for May

 Here are my loggings for May

# after the date means I logged this station on the DX League's SDR, also located in Mangawhai. 

It is housed in Bryan Clark's back garden, right on the edge of the Mangawhai lagoon. He has better reception than I. I am about 8km (5 miles) back from the sea.

Time UTCDetailsDate
9400853USA, KFIG Fresno fair/ good with sports talk. 4/5 SMF #*
10200915PARAGUAY, Radio Nanduti (tentative) with lots of talk in SS. Seemed to be // to website. Mixed with a mx stn - possibly KTNQ. SMF 11/5#*
11900653ARGENTINA, LRA15 San Miguel de Tucuman fair with vocals //web. SMF 12/5#*
12100640HAWAII, KZOO fair/ poor in background with probably KPRZ on top. SMF 12/5#*
12200715PERU, R Melodia, on top of XEB briefly. // web. SMF 5/4*
13300854USA, KLBS Los Banos CA fair at best and mixed. PP songs. SMF 29/4#*
14300917USA, KYNO fair/ poor but clear on SE EWE with what sounded like a ballad. In clear SMF 4/5*
14700430PERU, R La Mega poor/ fair but a bit noisy.Usual v excited talk and mentions of La Mega. SMF 23/5*
14800625USA, KVNR, Sta Ana, CA fair on peaks with VV talk and mx// website. SMF 8/5 #*
14900740ECUADOR, R Sta Maria - fair/ poor but dominant on freq. SMF 17/5*
16500835KCNZ Cedar Falls, IA fair with sports talk but mixed. SMF# 29/4*
16500823USA, KBJD Denver CO dominant on freq but only fair with reiligious songs and SS axmnts. SMF 29/4*
16600751USA, KBRE, Merced CA Fair with heavy rock. SMF 28/4*
17000911MEXICO, XEPE fair/ good with mx and SS axmnts. SMF 8/5*
17000620USA, WJCC, Miami Springs, FL Fair and dominant in Creole. SMF 9/5#*

Thursday, 13 May 2021

A new verie and a new country

 Harbour Light of the Caribbean 1400 kHz come in here quite well on occasion. One such night was the 6th May. I received them at 0905 UTC and listened for about half an hour. I sent an email and this morning received a reply from Randy Cornelius the station Director/ Engineer (harbourlight@spiceisle.com). He is doing a great job on the engineering side as we are 13,800 km from Grenada.

It is a very welcome QSL.

Monday, 10 May 2021

A verie

 For the past few nights, WJCC 1700 kHz in Miami Springs, FL has come in very well on the League's SDR, with its EWE pointing towards Sth America. It has dominated XEPE, the station normally heard on the frequency.

I sent a report off for reception on May 9 along with a short audio recording to a Mr Alex Saint Surin (alex@radiomega.net) the General Manager.

Within an hour a reply came back. 

Bonjour Mr Forsyth

Vous avez parfaitement raison. Vous avez capté Radio Mega 1700 am émettant de Miami Etats-Unis d’Amérique. 
 Nous émettons en créole, francais et anglais pour une communauté haitienne d’environ 750000 habitants

Merci d’avoir partagé cette information  avec nous

Alex Saint Surin

I am delighted to have it. It joins KBGG, KVNA and WEUV (all logged and verified 2002-2004) on the frequency.