Radio Senda Cristiana in Peru is now broadcasting its own programmes on 4820 kHz. It comes in very well here in New Zealand and I was delighted to get a verification from them via MSN Messenger.
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Tuesday, 25 April 2023
Sunday, 23 April 2023
DXpedition to Hinahina
I am currently in Hinahina with our host Steven Greenyer, DX League Patron Sutton Burtenshaw and DX League President Arthur DeMaine. Conditions are not great, but we have heard a bit. What is annoying is that you get glimpses of what can be heard here and that is frustrating.
Loggings to date are:
3310 0920 BOLIVIA R Mosoj Chaski fair with talk SMF HH
3320 1840 NTH KOREA PBS Pyongyang Pansor fair at best with opera type singing. SMF HH 21/4
3325 1845 INDONESIA VoI poor but clear in presumed GG. 22/4
3480 1836 KOREA V of the People – fair/ good in KK. 21/4
3910 1842 KOREA V of the People – fair at best, //
3930 same. 22/4
3925 0930 JAPAN R Nikkei 1 – fair/ good sig with JJ
talk and mx. 22/4
4750 1853 BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Betar audible, but
awful modulation. 21/4
4810 0925 PERU R Logos with a fair signal and a prog
of mx. 22/4
4820 0930 PERU Radio Senda Cristiana following BDC tip
– good signal 22/4
4885 0812 BRAZIL R Club do Para – poor/ fair. Mx
audible 21/4
4930 1855 BOTSWANA VoA poor/ fair – hard to copy
speech. 21/4
4940 0935 COLOMBIA LA Montana in Maicao fair with
local mx. 22/4
5040 1858 VANUATU R Vanuatu excellent with ads in
Bislama and EE. 21/4
5909.950 0634 COLOMBIA – Recently reactivated Al Caravan R fair/ good with SS songs. No mention of it on 22/4
7375 0435 ENGLAND VoA fair with excellent jazz mx
prog. S 21/4
7390 0437 GERMANY AWR Excellent in FF with a prog about pregnancies! 22/4
880 0645 UNKNOWN LATIN fair at best with crooner type
mx. Not any of the usual suspects as checked on the web. Some splash from 882 23/4
980 0650 ??? Mx fair at best.
1010 0716 USA UNKNOWN rock mx – doesn’t fit with any of the usual stations formats. Male Vocalist SMF at home 28/3
1040 0712 HAWAII, KLHT Honolulu fair but with fading. Plenty of talk and splash from 1035. SMF at home 28/3
1070 0715 USA KNX Hollywood audible, but bad QRM. SMF at home 28/3
1110 0603 PERU OAU4J R Feliz Lima fair but a bit up
and down. Andean flute mx. ID at 0700. 21/4
1110 0609 PERU R Cielo fair with prayers in SS. CWIS 23/4
1110 0807 USA, KRDC Pasadena NE fair/ poor with sports
talk & interviews mixed with classical stn not R Feliz 23/4
1140 0818 UNKNOWN fair/ poor with gentle mx mixed with
EE religious stn (CHRB??) 21/4
1160 0554 PERU Onde Cero fair with SS axmnts
mentioning Peru and telephone numbers, but battered by 1161. Deep fades, but
good when up. 23/4
1180 0601 USA, Marathon FL R Marti fair in SS 21/4 and
mixed with another Latin playing mx (not Rebelde) 23/4 21/4
1190 0720 ARGENTINA LR9 R Nacional Tucuman fair with talk (CWIS) and mixed with Latin mx stn but not R America. 21/4
1360 0750 PERU, R Bienestar Lima fair with talk in SS
1470 0545 PERU, R La Mega vg with usual pops. HHDX
1480.075 0755 UNKNOWN
LATIN – possibly a religious station with what sounded like preaching. Up and
down. Faded on the hour – of course! 21/4
1540 0821 HAWAII/ USA Korean R either KREA or KMPC at
fair levels with KK talk. 22/4
1570 0815 HAWAII KUAU fair with religious talk. 21/4
1580 0825 USA KBLA Sta Monica CA fair with talk. 22/4
1640 0832 USA KDIA dominant but fading a lot, WTNI Biloxi, MS up and down over and under it. 22/4