
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Friday, 20 September 2019

A verie

KDLG 670 kHz in Dillingham, Alaska has come back with an email verie. The verie signer is Sam and the email address is info@kdlg.org

I am very pleased with this one.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Lots of loggings

Last evening (Sept 18th) I decided instead of going to bed rdiiculously early, I would have a listen on the League's SDR. What a bonanza for the MW DXer.

I logged KDLG 670 kHz in Dillingham, Alaska - 11,000 km from the League's antenna. Its signal was good and clear.

Here is a list of what I heard:

590     0853   HAWAII, KSSK excellent with ads for Pearl Harbor activities. 
630     0855   UNKNOWN, quite audible under NZ stations.
650     0810   HAWAII, KPRP fair with Tagalog speaking, ads and mixed, but dominant, with
another - possibly Alaskan?? 
660     0815   USA, KAPS fair with c & w singing. Bad splash from 657. 0857 went back to it –
more c & w mx then down. Back up, but not great at 0906. Song being played //with website. 
670     0819   ALASKA, KDLG fair with mx prgm. Steady signal. // with website. Annoying 
thing was they were listing the songs being played, but they didn’t relate to what was actually being played!
780     0810   ALASKA, KNOM good with talk. 
850     0804   ALASKA, KICY fair with signing in RR. // with website. 
880     0753   USA, KRVN Fair/ good with talk. Good id at 0759 
890     0801   ALASKA, KBBI poor and mixed. Mx being played was // with website. 

 I only listened for a short while and probably missed other, just as juicy signals. It is amazing what the 12m delta antenna can pick up. 

For only $10 a year, members can access this SDR. Amazing value. 

Saturday, 14 September 2019

At last a verie and a logging

It has been a long time since I listened to the radio - this obviously means no reports have gone out. However, I have received a verie - Radio Romania International on 11990.

I have also logged KLO 1430 AM in Ogden, Utah. I have heard them occasionally, but KVVN and KMRB normally dominate the frequency. I have sent an email report off with a short sound clip, so hopefully, I might strike it lucky.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

New Veries

We spent a week in Niue recently. I took the radio along, but the noise from the hotel was great and so little could be heard. A3Z in Tonga was there during daylight hours on 1017 and 2AP on 540 was present from late afternoon. At night there were Kiwis everywhere.

I heard RNZI on all advertised frequencies coming in well and reported it on 11725 kHz.

Adrian Sainsbury as been kind enough to verify Radio New Zealand International on 13840 and 11725 kHz.

When I got home I did a very small amount of listening and logged and verified Radio New Zealand National on 819 (1YZ Rotorua/ Tauranga), 918 2YP New Plymouth, 1188 (1YR Rotorua) and 1314 (2YW Napier)

Friday, 21 June 2019

Some loggings

It has been a long time between drinks, so to speak. Our school year is nearly finished and so I have had time to do some listening.

I have logged Radio New Zealand International broadcasting on 13840 kHz - fair signal relaying National Radio at 0030 UTC. A verification came two hours after the report was sent.

I have also logged Radio Tamazuj broadcasting on 11650 kHz from Madagascar destined for South Sudan at 0341 UTC.

In addition I have heard the excellent signal from WBCQ testing on 9330 kHz with 500 kw at 0406; R Al Azm out of Saudi Arabia on 11745 kHz playing Quranic chanting at 0405; KNLS on 11825 from Madagascar- fair in English at 0406; All India Radio on 11560 broadcasting in Dari - fair signal with traditional Indian music at 0339.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

A handful of veries

Nothing to get excited about, but still it is nice to have stations verifying reports.

While in Hina Hina I logged Radio Sport one morning - there wasn't a lot else to hear. I listened on 549 kHz (Nelson). I also monitored 774 (New Plymouth), 792 (Hamilton), 1062 (Wanganui), 1089 (Palmerston North), 1377 (Levin) and 1521 (Tauranga). One or two frequencies were inaudible.

I received an email verification from Angus Mabey, Assistant Content Director, NewstalkZB and Radio Sport (Angus.Mabey@nzme.co.nz) verifying my report. Thank you, Angus.

Quite why Levin, Wanganui and Palmerston North all need a relay of the programme is beyond me. Levin and Wanganui are about an hour from Palmerston North and reception from Levin of both Nelson and New Plymouth, or Wanganui should be fairly good.

The sooner NZ AM stations are removed form the bands and sent to FM or DAB the better!

Friday, 26 April 2019

A new verie

Radio New Zealand International verified a report of my reception of their programme on 5945 kHz at 0816 on 16 April, during my stay in Hina Hina. an email QSL came today.

Thanks to AdrianSainsbury for your work on my behalf. RNZI's latest scehdule is to be found at: https://www.radionz.co.nz/international/listen

Monday, 15 April 2019

Last night's reception

Reception last night (Monday local time) was not as good as the previous evening and that wasn't great either.

Radio Capital 1470 in Lima, Peru was identified with its English programming. Bienestar on 1360 was also there an identifiable. There was a Spanish speaking station on 810 beneath the local National Radio station. Radio Ecco was once more there with pops on 1400.

KFI on 640 was present with Coast to Coast AM at quite good levels.

There were a couple of interesting carriers noted.

1409.840 possibly Radio Corporación Wayra in Peru - the offset would indicate this.
1409.998 possibly a Colombian because of the offset.

Conditions are poor with a lot of atmospheric noise - disappointing.

A verification

OAR 105.4 verified within an hour for its broadcast on 1575 kHz, so I am pleased.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

A new logging

In desperation.... I couldn't get enough to log anything last night, so today I resorted to logging OAR 105.4 FM, which broadcasts on 1575 kHz

I previously logged and verified Hills AM on 1575 in Dunedin about 15 years ago. Hopefully they will get back to me.

It's been a while - finally a DXpedition to Hinahina

Where you may ask is Hinahina?? From Dunedin airport, go to Balclutha, turn left and head to the south coast. There is a small village called Owaka and 3 km south of that is Hinahina - population, not many!

The views are stunning, but the reception on our first night was not great.

We erected a 5m EWE to the south east and another, suspended off a couple of trees, to the east.

Conditions were not great - quite noisy in fact, and signals did not really peak. However, we did manage to hear a bit.

Below is a trail of what was heard on night one. More to follow.

FrequencyTime UTCCountry and details
8700718ARGENTINA, LRA1, R Nacional, Buenos Aires (Tentative) fair with piano music. 
8800727PERU, R Unión (tentative) man talking with what sounded like a religious prog.
9400738USA, KFIG fair with sports news on SE EWE. The only Yank heard. 
10100610PERU, R Cielo (tentative) fair but noisy with talk.
13600734PERU, R Bienestar fair with talk but noisy. 
14000527PERU, R Ecco (tentative) heard with pop music.
14700535PERU, R Capital fair at best, much better later, with talk. After 0600 it was in English.
1499.7620605PERU, R Santa Rosa (tentative given the offset) - poor. 
39101848SOUTH KOREA, V of the People - poor. //3930 no better.
47501823BANGLADESH, B Betar fiar/ poor with talk in Bengali.
58751831ARMENIA, BBC WS fair in Pashto with sound/ music accompanying BBC nx. 
Mentions of Israel. // 7465 ex Singapore not as gd.
58901828GERMANY, VOA Deewa R fair in Pashto with talk. //7540 not as good.
59101833ROMANIA, RRI Fair in Aroumanian/ Vlac (whatever they may be).
59601835TURKEY, VoT vg in TT. 
59701859ALBANIA, CRI in FF with talk. Fair sig. // 7350 better at 1903.
60201840CHINA, CRI Good in Bulgarian with talk and news. // 7265 as good. 
61401841INDIA, AIR fair/ poor in Urdu.
72251900GERMANY, VOA in Kurdish - fair. 
74851846SINGAPORE, BBC WS fair but noisy in EE. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

A new logging

Down in Titirangi I have installed a 5m EWE pointing at roughly 60 degrees. This should put it through Mexico/ Louisianna - no such luck hearing them!

I have had a pre-amp attached and it has overloaded everything to an alarming degree. So, I have removed it.

Before doing this the only Yank I could hear was KLOK on 1170. It was coming in at a fair but very steady level with Indian music and announcements (e.g. Namaste India). A report has been sent off.

I haven't had a lot of time to listen since then but have heard Yanks on 1420, 1570, 1580. Had I had the time and persevered I am sure others could have been heard. It is certainly not a vintage season for MW DX.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

A verie

RNZI was logged on 13730 on 7 January at 0406 with a good signal, relaying National Radio. The verie arrived, courtesy the services of Adrian Sainsbury on 29 Janaury.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Another logging

CBR 1010 kHz in Calgary, Alberta was heard on the 12th at 0825 UTC at good levels with deep fades. It took a while to work out what was being heard as they were broadcasting a Public Radio International programme. However, the mention of CBC in the news bulletin at 0900 confirmed it.

I will try reporting them, but not sure whether the CBC verify or not - only one way to find out!

Friday, 11 January 2019

A new logging

This evening the conditions are very noisy - however, on 1410 CFTE in Vancouver, BC, Canada was quite audible, with regular deep fades at 0915 UTC (1.15 am local time). The noise made it difficult to follow what was being said, but there was enough there to give me sufficient details to report it.

I have tried before without success - not sure I will bother again.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Some  loggings of late

It has been an interesting time lately. The conditions for reception have been variable. Some nights it is very noisy and on other occasions it has been quite quiet. For a while around New Year manything below 1000 kHz was inaudible because of noise. I thought it must be my system or neighbours. However, a couple of nights later without any change to either the equipment or neighbourhood it was fine. On the 5th signals were there, but the noise was bad. I checked on the normally very quiet NZRDXL SDR based in Russell, about 160 km (100 miles) north of here and it was also noisy, so I was reasssured.

I have been focusing on the US 'graveyard' channels - particularly 1410, 1430 and 1450. I hear talking but it is not quite strong enough to be understood, or what can be understood is fairly meaningless because they are carrying networked programmes. Patience is what is needed.

Meanwhile, here is a trail of what has been heard lately - I have verified almost all of these, so spend no time dwelling on them (nb for North American readers, 7/1 = 7th January, not 1st July!):

590    0952 HAWAII, KSSK fair with music – dominant over talk station. 7/1 SMF
690    0950 HAWAII, KHNR (presumed) with talk – fair. 7/1 SMF
770    0940 USA, KKOB – fair but a bit up and down with Red Eye Radio. 3/1 SMF
830    0947 HAWAII, KHVH – fair but up and down. Id for Newsradio and then talk. 3/1 SMF
850    0944 USA, Unknown. Possibly KOA with talk but under a rock music station 3/1 SMF
850    1103 USA, KOA – Good with news and Denver time check. 3/1 SMF
940    0935 USA, KFIG – fair with sports news 2/1 Mixed KKNE Hawaii but dominant 7/1 SMF
1020 0940 USA, KTNQ – fair with SS talk. 2/1 SMF
1050 1100 USA, KTCT Fair with sports news 3/1 SMF
1070 1100 USA, KNX Fair with news 3/1 SMF
1110 0905 HAWAII, KAOI (possibly) fair with talk but lots of atmospheric noise. 5/1 SMF
1120 1100 USA, KPNW Fair at best with news then C to C. 3/1 V/g 7/1 SMF
1190 0911 USA, KEX (presumed) fair with talk but much atmospheric noise. 5/1 SMF
1200 1100 USA, WOAI Fair with news after fade at top of the hour. Good id at 1107 3/1 SMF
1280 0908 USA, KXTK – fair/ poor with ESPN sport. Noisy 4/1 SMF
1420 0932 HAWAII, KKEA – fair with sports news 3/1 SMF
1430 0915 USA, KYNO (presumed) with Oldies – fair at best, mixed possibly with KMRB and Chinese mx 4/1 SMF
1460 0920 USA, KION – fair with talk – phone calls and C to C type talk 3/1 SMF
1500 1006 USA, Mixed KSTP (// 1420) ESPN sport with another talk station. KSTP at fair levels. 6/1 SMF
1530 0930 USA, KFBK – good with news and id 2/1 SMF
1540 0900 USA, KMPC – id on the hour by male announcer – this is KMPC….. poor signal really – quite noisy, 29/12 SMF
1540 0929 HAWAII, KREA – fair with mentions of Korea in Korean 2/1 SMF
15801005   USA, KBLA (presumed) fair/ good with SS religious talk. SMF 6/1
1640 1000 USA, KDIA – Fair/ good with id on hour and religious talk. 6/1 SMF