It has been an interesting time lately. The conditions for reception have been variable. Some nights it is very noisy and on other occasions it has been quite quiet. For a while around New Year manything below 1000 kHz was inaudible because of noise. I thought it must be my system or neighbours. However, a couple of nights later without any change to either the equipment or neighbourhood it was fine. On the 5th signals were there, but the noise was bad. I checked on the normally very quiet NZRDXL SDR based in Russell, about 160 km (100 miles) north of here and it was also noisy, so I was reasssured.
I have been focusing on the US 'graveyard' channels - particularly 1410, 1430 and 1450. I hear talking but it is not quite strong enough to be understood, or what can be understood is fairly meaningless because they are carrying networked programmes. Patience is what is needed.
Meanwhile, here is a trail of what has been heard lately - I have verified almost all of these, so spend no time dwelling on them (nb for North American readers, 7/1 = 7th January, not 1st July!):
590 0952 HAWAII, KSSK fair with music – dominant over
talk station. 7/1 SMF
690 0950 HAWAII, KHNR (presumed) with talk – fair. 7/1
770 0940 USA, KKOB – fair but a bit up and down with Red
Eye Radio. 3/1 SMF
830 0947 HAWAII, KHVH – fair but up and down. Id for
Newsradio and then talk. 3/1 SMF
850 0944 USA, Unknown. Possibly KOA with talk but under
a rock music station 3/1 SMF
850 1103 USA, KOA – Good with news and Denver time
check. 3/1 SMF
940 0935 USA, KFIG – fair with sports news 2/1 Mixed
KKNE Hawaii but dominant 7/1 SMF
1020 0940 USA, KTNQ – fair with SS talk. 2/1 SMF
1050 1100 USA, KTCT Fair with sports news 3/1 SMF
1070 1100 USA, KNX Fair with news 3/1 SMF
1110 0905 HAWAII, KAOI (possibly) fair with talk but lots
of atmospheric noise. 5/1 SMF
1120 1100 USA, KPNW Fair at best with news then C to C.
3/1 V/g 7/1 SMF
1190 0911 USA, KEX (presumed) fair with talk but much
atmospheric noise. 5/1 SMF
1200 1100 USA, WOAI Fair with news after fade at top of
the hour. Good id at 1107 3/1 SMF
1280 0908 USA, KXTK – fair/ poor with ESPN sport. Noisy
4/1 SMF
1420 0932 HAWAII, KKEA – fair with sports news 3/1 SMF
1430 0915 USA, KYNO (presumed) with Oldies – fair at
best, mixed possibly with KMRB and Chinese mx 4/1 SMF
1460 0920 USA, KION – fair with talk – phone calls and C
to C type talk 3/1 SMF
1500 1006 USA, Mixed KSTP (// 1420) ESPN sport with
another talk station. KSTP at fair levels. 6/1 SMF
1530 0930 USA, KFBK – good with news and id 2/1 SMF
1540 0900 USA, KMPC – id on the hour by male announcer –
this is KMPC….. poor signal really – quite noisy, 29/12 SMF
1540 0929 HAWAII, KREA – fair with mentions of Korea in
Korean 2/1 SMF
15801005 USA,
KBLA (presumed) fair/ good with SS religious talk. SMF 6/1
1640 1000 USA, KDIA – Fair/ good
with id on hour and religious talk. 6/1 SMF
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