
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

More Shortwave Veries

 Radio Free Asia has answered my reports with three verifications for broadcasts in Burmese (2) on 15110 and 15700 and in Khmer on 12140.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

A couple of Shortwave veries

 The Voice of Turkey was heard on 28 March broadcasting in Uighur at 0300 on 7240 kHz and then in English on 6125 kHz at 0400. Both were good signals from memory.

A verification was received on 6 October.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

And yet more loggings

Night three at Hina Hina saw conditions improve a little. Yanks were now audible at much better levels than they were on the previous two nights. However, they still aren't strong enough to combat splash from the locals. Most stations suffered from deep fades.

Things are on the up and hopefully night 4 will be even better. 

6800750USA, KNBR (presumed) fair/ poor in splash. 30/9 SMF
8800740USA, KRVN fair/ poor with talk. 30/9 SMF
11900816USA, KEX fair with Coast to Coast. 30/9 SMF
12000818USA, WOAI good with Coast to Coast but deep fades. 30/9 SMF
14600815USA, KION fair with talk. 30/9 SMF
14800801USA, KNVR with piano music. Up and down - fair at best. //webstream. 30/9 SG
16400708USA, KDIA fair to good with religious message. Condx a bit noisy. 30/9 SMF
16500726USA, KCNZ fair with sports talk. 30/9 SMF
16600715USA, KBRE fair/ poor and mixed with another. // webstream. 30/9 SMF
16700756USA, KHPY fair with religious talk. 30/9 SMF

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Further Loggings

 Conditions were not great last night and a lot of what was heard the previous night was heard again. One or two interesting things popped their heads up. We will check them out again tonight.

14100800USA (Unknown) died on the hour but had financial ads at 0805.
Possibly KERI or KBNP. 29/9 SG
14200758HAWAII, KKEA good but deep fades. Ads for ESPN Honolulu. 29/9 SMF
14800758USA (Tent) Unknown - good oldies/ nostalgia/ country mx. Faded when axmnts came.
Faded at top of hour - very frustrating. Listened on and off for an hour. 29/9 SMF

A Verie

 Success ..... WBBM 780 in Chicago, Illinois heard two nights ago have verified my report. I heard a very good id and that was all. However, a short audio recording was enough to confirm my report. The verie signer was Ron Gleason, Brand Manager/ News Director (wbbmnewsradioweb@entercom.com)

Monday, 28 September 2020

DXing Again ..... Finally

 With the October school holidays ariving, I have taken the opportunity of heading south to Hina Hina, on the South Otago coast, 25 minutes south of Balclutha and 1600 km by road from Auckland. 

Steven Greenyer and I are here for a couple of days and will then be joined by Arthur DeMaine. We woke up this morning to snow on the ground!

Conditions last night were not great, but we did manage to log a few things.

5800737USA, KMJ (presumed) poking through the noise with talk. 28/9 SG
7100717CUBA, R Rebelde (Tentative) fair with what sounded like jazz mx with female vocalist SS talk evident. Fading. 28/9 SMF
7800740USA, WBBM ad heard for 780 and 105.9 FM News Radio WBBM. 28/9 SMF
8300755USA/ HAWAII (presumed) KLAA mixed with KHVH - sports talk vs news. KLAA dominant. Fair. 28/9 SMF
9400732USA, KFIG vg with sports nx - talk about basketball. Mixed with XEQ with modern popular music, announcing la Q (possibly la Q grande). 28/9 SG

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

A couple of pleasant surprises

I used Messenger the other evening for a totally unrelated purpose and while I was on it I thought I would try for a verie from some of the stations that had ignored my messages. As a result of this I have had positive replies back from CHHA 1610 and R Rio de Janeiro 1400. The former was heard on the League's SDR just before I came back from Malaysia in 2018 and the other was heard in April on Mike Smith's Opunake SDR.

I am happy to have both of them.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

An almost instant verie

US Hobby Pirate XFM has been active on 6285 kHz. I managed to hear them, quite well actually, at 0450 UTC. They gave an email address of XFMshortwave@gmail.com so I emaled them with a sound recording of the broadcast and almost instantly I got a shout out on air and an email back. They are 500 w apparently and as darkness fell here in New Zealand the signal improved markedly. On the SINPO scale I would say it is 35453. I am happy to count their email as a verie.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

KYNO comes back

KYNO 1430 in Fresno has come back. All I could identify in the broadcast was a song - Ferry Cross the Mersey by Jerry and the Pacemakers. That was enough for them. The verie came via Microsoft Messenger.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

A long time between drinks! A verie ....

Radio Nacional in Buenos Aires (LRA1), 870 kHz, has verified my report sent by Messenger. Finally I have a verie. It restores my faith in radio!

Radio Provincia de Sta Cruz 830

This evening I had the pleasure of listening to Radio Provincia de Sta Cruz on 830 kHz. It is situated in Rio Gallegos in the very south of Argentina.

There was a programme of tango music - some tracks with vocals. At 0600 local time the programme came to life with live announcers and there were lots of R Provincia ids and mentions of ocho - treinte (8 - 30).

Hopefully they may reply to a report. Nobody else seems to want to!

Monday, 25 May 2020

May loggings

A return to work post lockdown means there is not much time for DXing at nights. The best thing to happen is that the League had a new SDR, or rather one that has moved. Whereas we had two in Northland, we now have one there and the one that was pointing south east has now migrated 600km south to Opunake. League member Mike Smith is hosting. While initially noisy, Mike has worked on the EWE and now with a much quieter EWE some interesting thins have been heard.

I managed to log Radio la 1010 in Montevideo, Uruguay the other night. It was not a wonderful signal, but its presence was confirmed by a check with the web feed.

This is a list of what I have heard this month, in the few moments I have had to listen.

The * under Antenna means the NE SDR in Northland. The # means the SE EWE in Opunake.

FreqAntennaTime UTCDetailsDate
558*1833FIJI. R Fiji 1 good with Fijian mx - mixed with an Aussie12/5
940*0552USA, KFIG, fair to good with ESPN sports nx5/5
940#0840BRAZIL, Super Radio La Boa Ventade dominant with religious message but mixed with XEQ // website.17/5
1010#0613URUGUAY, Radio la 1010 - fair at best with mx // website, mostly under splash from 1008. 1ZD as was.23/5
1190#0850COLOMBIA, R Cordillera dominant with SS oldies - lots of singing17/5
1200*1011CANADA, CJRJ fair/ poor with mx //website. In the mix with WOAI, presumed.13/5
1200*1014USA, WOAI up with a clear ID after traffic nx.13/5
1210*0950USA KPRZ fair-poor with religious prgm and mx. // website13/5
1210*0935HAWAII, KZOO fair/ good with Asian songs.14/5
1220*1005CANADA, CJRB fair at best with classical mx // website. Bad splash from 1215.13/5
1220#0912MEXICO, XEB up with Mexican folk mx. Fair // website15/5
1400*0940USA, KKJL (Tentative) with oldies tunes - fair/poor - a bit of noise but no co-channel QRM.6/5
1410*0935CANADA, CFTE fair with nx and talk. Bad splash from 14136/5
1420*0556HAWAII, KKEA, fair with ESPN sports radio.5/5
1430*0931USA, KYNO fair with oldies mx. Mixed6/5
1610*0559CANADA, CHHA fair with latin mx, sig dropped on hour with SS axmnt.5/5
1620#0556ARGENTINA, R 1620 Mar del Plata, fair with mx16/5
3220*1836NTH KOREA, Pyongyang BS - gd with non-stop mx12/5
3480*1838STH KOREA, V of the People, excellent in KK with wonderful singing.// 3910 and 3930 partially jammed12/5
3945*1842VANUATU. tremendous signal. Mx - soprano sax.12/5
4875.04*1023BRAZIL, R Difusora Roraima good with PP axmnts and mx - well past local sunrise.13/5
4890*1846STH KOREA, Echo of Hope -fair not jammed as with 75m freqs12/5
5945*1850TURKEY, VoT in EE. Fair but a but noisy12/5

Friday, 24 April 2020

The Month's Loggings

This is the month's loggings to date. Some have been seen before in postings below.

* means I listened on the DX League's north east EWE
# means I listened on the DX League's south east EWE

FreqAntennaTime UTCDetailsDate
560#0740ARGENTINA, (tentative) possibly RN Bahia Blanca - talk there in SS - given the way things are tonight it may well be the Argie.30/3
590#0729ARGENTINA, LS4 Radio Continental good with vocals // website. Up and down - QRM from 594.30/3
640*0835USA, KFI fair/ good with C to C. Mixed but dominant12/4
650*0909ALASKA, KENI fair/ poor with C to C.// website. Bad splash 65712/4
680#0915USA, KNBR, Poor with sports talk in EE, mixed with another. Fair 12/46/4
690#0834HAWAII. KHNR dominant station but mixed. Fair at best.3/4
750#0943USA, KXTG (tentative) poor wiht plenty of splash, but sports news - sounded like recording of commentary - up briefly.10/4
780*0924ALASKA, KNOM with mx and dominant. Mixed with KKOH and WBBM12/4
780#0858USA, KKOH up briefly with nx at 0900 // website.8/4
820#0843ARGENTINA, R Nacional Formosa fair with talk // website but bad splash from 8193/4
830*0900HAWAII, KHVH vg with ids on hour, covid 19 ads and then nx.17/4
840#0709ARGENTINA, LU2 R Bahia Blanca // website fair/ poor mixed with LV9 R Salta in peaks // its website30/3
850#0904URUGUAY, R Carve fair, but suffering from splash. Talk about the virus in SS. // to website with a delay. Great id 0644 30/328/3
860*0847MEXICO, XEMO with religious songs and SS message fair when up and mixed with KTRB (presumed)15/4
870#0731ARGENTINA, R Nacional Buenos Aires fair at best with mx // website.1/4
880#0820PERU - steady signal with religious chanting - lots of oh señor. It was in SS.2/4
920#0754PARAGUAY, R Nacional fair at best but deep fades. Mx - group vocals. // website1/4
930#0750URUGUAY, R Monte Carlo with vocals - fair // with website1/4
940#0755USA, KFIG fair but fading with talk - with the aerial pointing SE! No sign of any Latins.31/3
950*0850USA, KJR fair with sports nx. Mixed with mx stn under.14/4
1030#0833ARGENTINA, R Del Plata fair at best but bad splash from adjacent channels. Quite audible when they are quiet. // website1/4
1050*0858USA, KTCT vg with sports nx and adverts.17/4
1050#0850ARGENTINA, R San Francisco poor/ fair but mixed. Mx from website matched. Other stn## Also SS speaking.1/4
1090#0812USA, KFNQ fair/ poor with bad splash from 1089 - sports nx. // website.31/3
1100#0645USA, KFAX presumed with talk. Fair/ poor7/4
1170*0950STH KOREA, HLSR dominant on freq mixed 2CH and a Yank - unsure if it is KFAQ. Mx and at 1000 what sounds like a hymn or Nat Anthem then nx. Fair.12/4
1170#0858AUSTRALIA, 2CH fair/ good with classics on back end of SE aerial.9/4
1200#0818USA, WOAI good with C2C22/4
1206*0940UNKNOWN - mixed with Aussie. I initially thought Japan, but there is no JJ on freq. Possibly China - fair when on top.19/4
1210*0850HAWAII, KZOO dominant with JJ pops over presumed KPRZ with religious prgm. Fair but deep fades.12/4
1260*0940JAPAN, JOIR - steady under 3SR - JJ talk quite audible.12/4
1260*0825USA, KSUR fair/ poor mixed 3SR - as the night wore on 3SR got better. Playing Bohemian Rhapsody at 081818/4
1400#0745URUGUAY, CX14 R Zorrilla de San Martin // website fighting it out with LRG202 R Cumbre // website and a third stn. All 3 were poor, but peaked on occasion.30/3
1400#0548BRAZIL, R Rio de Janeiro fair wiht religious messgae in PP24/4
1422*1610JAPAN, JORF Yokohama in clear with lots of JJ talk. Faded and an Aussie took over - not sure which one16/4
1440*1615JAPAN, JOWF Sapporo over the top of Te Reo o Tauranga Moana then faded down.16/4
1460*0856USA, KION fair at best with C to C.15/4
1467*1620STH KOREA, HLKN Mokpo dominant on freq over 3ML with plenty of talk in KK.16/4
1470#0530PERU, R Felicidad with an amazing signal - mx. Id for FM freq.18/4
1490#0546ECUADOR, R Sta Maria in Azogues - 2 Latin stations mixed - one with talk and R Sta Maria with huayño music.23/4
1500*1626HAWAII, KHKA Fair with talk. Deep fades.16/4
1570*0845HAWAII, KUAU excellent with relgious message.21/4
1575*1640JAPAN, AFN Iwakuni (presumed). Otago access R was carrying BBC WS. However, underneath American voices were heard as well as pop mx. AFN picked up after 5am as the OAR signal deteriorated quite noticeably. .16/4
1620#0626ARGENTINA, La Radio Mar del Plata, thanks to Barry Hartley, fair at best. Played 'Volare" at 0626, tangos before that. Barry has chased this for a couple of days.19/4