
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Loggings for February

 I finally received my new AirSpy HF+ Discovery receiver: good value for $162 USD. The first night was very disappointing - it just didn't work and I was despondent. However, when I went outside I realised that the earth wire had come off the EWE and so the aerial wasn't working! Once it was put back on, it was all systems go.

Highlights of the month have been a couple of nights where overseas stations have come in like locals. XEB 1220 was one such exmple. Radio Felicidad in Lima was another. The last time I heard stations form that part of the world as strong was back in about 2004-5 when at Tiwai we would hear ZNS1 Bahamas at local strength. It was incredible and so were these stations. 

I have not had much opportunity to listen this month due to going back to school. However, that is about to end and so hopefully I will hear a whole lot more shortly.

Meanwhile, the February loggings are posted below. I have not included stations I heard last month as there is no point. 

9400853USA, KFIG Fresno fair with football talk. 6/2 SMF
11800724USA, R Marti Marathon FL, fair with SS talk and mx. QRM from 1179 quite bad. SMF 15/2
12100840USA, KGYN Guymon OK fair with sports talk. Mixed. 6/2 SMF
12100810USA, KPRZ San Marcos CA fair/ poor with religious prgm - mixed with KGYN 14/2 SMF
12100640HAWAII, KZOO (tentative) vg with mx. Not sure about the mx style. Sounded Mex to me, but not sure. No axmnts. 12/2 SMF
12200630MEXICO, XEB presumed with latin mx and SS axmnts. Exc signal 12/2 SMF
12900922USA, KAZA San Jose fair in mix with mentions of San Jose. SMF 12/2
13600733PERU, R Bienestar Fair/ good with religious talk mixed with another. 15/2 SMF
13800745MEXICO, XECO Mexico City the most likely. Mx with axmnts in SS. Not a great signal and a lot of splash from 1377 and 1386. 15/2 SMF
14300651USA, KVVN Sta Clara CA fair at best, but clear with VV vocals. SMF 13/2
14600908USA, KION good and clear with C to C with ads. Mixed but dominant. SMF 12/2
14700750MEXICO, R Formula with ads and mentions of Formula under R Felicidad. Formula at fair levels with fading and Felicidad at vg levels. 15/2 SMF

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