
Hello and welcome to my blog.

My wife and I relocated to Mangawhai, Northland, New Zealand - just over 100 km north of Auckland in July of 2018. Whilst not as active as I would like to be, this is a record of what I have been hearing.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

A further SW verie

 Another VOA verie from São Tomé. This time on 6080 kHz. They were heard on November 1 2021 at 0605 UTC. 

Saturday, 30 October 2021

A Shortwave Verie

 VoA broadcast out of Sao Tome e Principe on 7265. I heard them at 0605 and they were at quite good levels. An e-QSL arrived on Friday.

They all count.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

A Shortwave Verie

 Nothing terribly special about this QSL, but it is Radio NZ International heard on 7245 kHz. Thanks to Adrian Sainsbury for the QSL.

Friday, 17 September 2021

A Shortwave Verie

 VOA have replied for a report on their transmission on 6080 kHz via Botswana in English. The broadcast was heard on August 10 and the verie received this morning. The address the report was sent to was QSL@usagm.gov

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Another Verie

 KSHO 920 kHz in Lebanon, Oregon was heard on August 21 at 0907 UTC, 9.07 pm NZ time. It is a 1 kw station and it poked its head up through the noise for about 20 minutes with a few tunes I was able to identify.

Charlie Eads, President and General Manager was kid enough to verify the report. I also had an email from James Wright, a Marketing Consultant, who had been in NZ for a couple of years as a Mormon missionary: a lovely man and a lovely email.

Friday, 27 August 2021

A Verie

 KYNO (940) in Fresno, CA recently swapped frequencies with KFIG (1430). It now booms in to Mangawhai when the conditions are right. I sent a report not expecting much and was delighted to receive a verification from Jim Roberts who has worked in the Fresno radio scene since 1991. He was originally at KFRE 940. I verified KFRE on 940 back in September 1980! Jim's address is:  Jroberts@OnePuttBroadcasting.com 

Monday, 9 August 2021

SW Loggings

 I didn't realise it had been so long since last I posted to this blog. Life has been busy, I have had problems with my EWEs and I haven't made the time to listen.

However, in a fit of energetic activity this morning, I decided to have a scan of the SW bands. I began at 1800. It is dark here until 1900. The list below is the result of that.

Some people bemoan the fate of SW now that so many international broadcasters have closed. When I began DXing in 1973, you had international broadcasts from the USSR, Sweden, Norway, Finland, West Germany, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland (used to love listening to Swiss country music), Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium among many others. Now they are all gone and the bands are flooded with CRI in multiple languages spewing out their world hegemony propaganda. The VOA, as you will see below, seems now destined only for Africa or parts of Asia.  

I was surprised - in an hour of listening I logged nearly 20 different countries. There are one or two stations which I didn't add to the list below.

Who says shortwave is dead!

3320    1805    NTH KOREA Pyongyang BS Fair with martial music and mass choirs. Not a clear signal. SMF 9/8

3480    1807    STH KOREA Voice of the People Fair/ good with talk in KK. //3910 & 3930 audible but under Nth Korean jamming, 3480 Fair, SMF 9/8

3985    1815    GERMANY, R Slovakia Int fair/ poor in GG. Hard to decipher what was being said. Mx was fine. SMF 9/8

4750    1817    BANGLADESH, Bangladesh Betar good in EE with translations of traditional Muslim stories. SMF 9/8

4890    1818    STH KOREA, V of Hope vg in KK. SMF 9/8

5860    1820    KUWAIT, US Agency for Global Media. Good with pops, but horrible interference spreading from 5740 to 5870. SMF 9/8

5875    1824    ARMENIA, BBC WS Vg in Pashto with lots of talk. SMF 9/8

5890    1826    THAILAND, US AGM Fair in Pashto. SMF 9/8

5960    1827    TURKEY, VoT Excellent with a great mx prog. TT b/cast. SMF 9/8

5970    1828    OMAN, BBCWS, Vg in Pushto. SMF 9/8

6015    1835    UNKNOWN - woodpecker type jamming centred around Nth Korean jamming of KBS Hanminjok. Also on 6048. Suddenly stopped at 1842. SMF 9/8

6040    1831    SAO TOME, VOA poor. Advertised in Shona, but there was EE spoken with an African accent. Horrible woodpecker QRM at 1837. SMF 9/8

6080    1836    BOTSWANA, VOA fair in EE. SMF 9/8

6130    1844    SWAZILAND, TWR audible but poor in Umbundu. SMF 9/8

6165    1845    UAE, TWR Fair in Tigray SMF 9/8

6180    1845    SAO TOME, VOA Fair/ poor in FF. SMF 9/8

7235    1850    IRAN, IRIB fair/ poor in Hausa to Nigeria presumably. SMF 9/8

7485    1853    SINGAPORE, BBC WS fair in EE. Became noisy as day broke. SMF 9/8

7485    1859    NTH MARIANAS (Tinang) VOA signing on suddenly over the top of the BBC with usual axmnts and Yankee Doodle and then into KK. Fair/ good. Haven't heard this for a long time. SMF 9/8

All of these were heard using a WinRadio G33DDC connected to a 5m EWE antenna pointing NE.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Loggings for May

 Here are my loggings for May

# after the date means I logged this station on the DX League's SDR, also located in Mangawhai. 

It is housed in Bryan Clark's back garden, right on the edge of the Mangawhai lagoon. He has better reception than I. I am about 8km (5 miles) back from the sea.

Time UTCDetailsDate
9400853USA, KFIG Fresno fair/ good with sports talk. 4/5 SMF #*
10200915PARAGUAY, Radio Nanduti (tentative) with lots of talk in SS. Seemed to be // to website. Mixed with a mx stn - possibly KTNQ. SMF 11/5#*
11900653ARGENTINA, LRA15 San Miguel de Tucuman fair with vocals //web. SMF 12/5#*
12100640HAWAII, KZOO fair/ poor in background with probably KPRZ on top. SMF 12/5#*
12200715PERU, R Melodia, on top of XEB briefly. // web. SMF 5/4*
13300854USA, KLBS Los Banos CA fair at best and mixed. PP songs. SMF 29/4#*
14300917USA, KYNO fair/ poor but clear on SE EWE with what sounded like a ballad. In clear SMF 4/5*
14700430PERU, R La Mega poor/ fair but a bit noisy.Usual v excited talk and mentions of La Mega. SMF 23/5*
14800625USA, KVNR, Sta Ana, CA fair on peaks with VV talk and mx// website. SMF 8/5 #*
14900740ECUADOR, R Sta Maria - fair/ poor but dominant on freq. SMF 17/5*
16500835KCNZ Cedar Falls, IA fair with sports talk but mixed. SMF# 29/4*
16500823USA, KBJD Denver CO dominant on freq but only fair with reiligious songs and SS axmnts. SMF 29/4*
16600751USA, KBRE, Merced CA Fair with heavy rock. SMF 28/4*
17000911MEXICO, XEPE fair/ good with mx and SS axmnts. SMF 8/5*
17000620USA, WJCC, Miami Springs, FL Fair and dominant in Creole. SMF 9/5#*

Thursday, 13 May 2021

A new verie and a new country

 Harbour Light of the Caribbean 1400 kHz come in here quite well on occasion. One such night was the 6th May. I received them at 0905 UTC and listened for about half an hour. I sent an email and this morning received a reply from Randy Cornelius the station Director/ Engineer (harbourlight@spiceisle.com). He is doing a great job on the engineering side as we are 13,800 km from Grenada.

It is a very welcome QSL.

Monday, 10 May 2021

A verie

 For the past few nights, WJCC 1700 kHz in Miami Springs, FL has come in very well on the League's SDR, with its EWE pointing towards Sth America. It has dominated XEPE, the station normally heard on the frequency.

I sent a report off for reception on May 9 along with a short audio recording to a Mr Alex Saint Surin (alex@radiomega.net) the General Manager.

Within an hour a reply came back. 

Bonjour Mr Forsyth

Vous avez parfaitement raison. Vous avez capté Radio Mega 1700 am émettant de Miami Etats-Unis d’Amérique. 
 Nous émettons en créole, francais et anglais pour une communauté haitienne d’environ 750000 habitants

Merci d’avoir partagé cette information  avec nous

Alex Saint Surin

I am delighted to have it. It joins KBGG, KVNA and WEUV (all logged and verified 2002-2004) on the frequency.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Loggings for the first half of April


FreqTime UTCDetails
5900803ARGENTINA, Unknown fair but mixed when KSSK in fade. Possibly R Nacional from what was heard elsewhere this evening. 16/4 SMF
8200808USA, WBAP Ft Worth TX fair with talk but mixed with a mx stn - can't work out which. 7/4 SMF
8400903ARGENTINA, R Bahia Blanca LU2 fair and clear with talk in SS // website. 8/4 SMF
8500925URUGUAY, R Carve (tentative) Fair in SS. Ads at 0927 then talk. //website. 8/4 SMF
8700848ARGENTINA, LRA1, R Nacional briefly in clear with id and talk in SS. Not strong, but clear. 7/4 SMF
8800754USA, KWIP Dallas OR (tentative) fair/ poor suffering very bad splash 882 with talk in SS. It does not sound like R Union. 5/4 SMF
8800908ARGENTINA, LU14 R Provincia de Santa Cruz mixed with another - a religious prgm but not R Union according to web feed. Fair at best but with deep fades. Sta Cruz had mx // website. 9/4 SMF
9700634USA, KHTY, Bakersfield, CA possibly with sports talk. Poor and bad splash - brief peaks. 8/4 SMF
10500853URUGUAY, R Uruguay fair at best with jazz prog. Deep fades and much noise. // web Thanks to BCM for the tip 12/4 SMF
11100852USA, KFAB fair with C to C 6/4 SMF
11100837USA, Unknown - possibly KRDC with song 'Hooked On A Feeling' fair at best. 1/21
12300958ARGENTINA, LT2 R Dos, Rosario (tentative) with SS talk. Don't think it was a US station, other Argentinian stations heard this evening. Fair on peaks, but they were few and far between. 13/4 SMF
13600839USA, KKMO Tacoma, WA poor with mx and axmnts in SS //web. Mixed with another SS - I don't think it is Bienestar. 6/4
14200824USA, KSTN Stockton CA fair at best with mx. Mixed with KKEA, but on top on occasion. Clear id at 0825 SMF 30/3
14801038PERU, R Espinar likely with SS axmnts and Andean mx 15/4 SMF #
15000711HAWAII, KHKA fair/ poor with sports talk. Interference from 1503. 2/4 SMF
15300823USA, KFBK Sacramento CA - fair with talk but mixed with The Wireless SMF 2/4

A further new verie

 KZOO 1210 in Honolulu has come back for an April 2020 logging. I sent the report via Messenger and reveid a reply almost a year later. Another welcome verie.

Friday, 16 April 2021

A new verie

 KSTN 1420 in Stockton, CA has come back with a verie for a logging on March 30. They were heard with a music program with no sign of the Hawaiian KKEA. I sent the report via their Facebook page and back came the reply just over a week later. I have only just seen it.

Thanks to the people at The Bull 105.9!

Monday, 12 April 2021

A new logging

 Conditions have been a bit up and down of late. I recently installed a new EWE pointing more or less south east. as a result I have been hearing some South Americans, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay.

I will post a list of my loggings for April shortly. 

In the meantime I was very pleased to hear Radio Uuruguay last evning broadcasting on 1050 kHz. They were playing a programme of jazz music and at times were heard at quite good levels. There was no sign of the station I normally hear on that frequency, KTCT in California.

I have sent a report off as well as a short recording, so hopefully something may come of it.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

A new verie

 A verie has come in from CDNK on 7580. This comes out of Uzbekistan, broadcasts in Korean and is destined for North Korea. The verie was signed by J from the Republic of Korea and the email address was thfskan54@gmail.com

I recorded the programme at 1359 for the opening and it registered S9 here in NZ.

Monday, 29 March 2021

Loggings for mid-late March

FreqTime UTCDetails
5700749USA, KVI Seattle WA in the mix // website - fair/ poor with red neck, sorry red eye radio //website. SMF 24/3
6900937USA, KHNR mixed with another - at fair strength.Mixed but dominant SMF 24/3
7100734USA, Unknown - either KSPN or KIRO with ESPN sports talk and ids. Nothing definitive. Fair/ poor SMF 24/3
7600747HAWAII, KGU Honolulu presumed with business talk. Fair/poor Bad splash 756. SMF 17/3
8300745HAWAII, KHVH Honolulu fair/ good with news and talk. SMF 17/3
8500906HAWAII, KHLO fair with relig song but mixed possibly with KOA. 16/3
8600810MEXICO, XEMO, Tijuana poor but clear in SS with religous message. // web SMF 11/3
8700743USA, WWL possibly with sports talk. Fair at best. SMF 17/3
9100738USA, KKSF San Fran fair/ poor in mix // website. It may be mixed with KOXR with SS mx. SMF 17/3
9100705USA, KECR El Cajon CA fair/poor with mx over talk // website SMF
9600745USA, KNEW Oakland fair/ poor with business talk // website. 16/3 SMF
9600702USA, KALE, Richmond WA up occasionally with mx cofirmed as // to web. SS station in the mix possibly XEHK in Gaudalajara?? KNEW and CFAC nowhere to be seen. SMF 11/3
11700757USA, KLOK San Jose fair/ good with Indian vocals but fading and mixed with KFAQ. SMF 17/3
12700740HAWAII, KNDI fair/ poor with talk in an island language. Mixed with KVMI with song identified from website SMF 25/3
14600908USA, KION, Salinas fair with C to C. SMF 25/3
14900959COLOMBIA, HJBS Emisora Punto Cinco, Bogotá - poor with id. SMF 27/3
15800818USA, KBLA Sta Monica with a good/ fair signal. Relig message and mentions of California. One of the easiest Yanks to hear. SMF 17/3

 I am particularly pleased with the logging on 1490 HJBS Emisora Punto Cinco. It was about the only thing showing up on the evening. 

Conditions have been quite noisy.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

A Shortwave Verie

 There has been a hobby broadcaster on the air in Australia recently - Bay Islands Radio 5045 kHz - licensed, I might add. They are based near the Gold Coast in Queensland.

Shannon is the contact I have and he said he didn't know if they would ever be on air permanently. In the meantime, they are pumping out the sound in the evenings and it is coming in pretty well to Mangawhai. 

I sent a report last evening and back came the verie this morning.  The email address to use is: islandradio88@gmail.com

Thanks to bryan Clark for the info.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

A Shortwave Logging

 This morning (March 10 - UTC time) I had great pleasure in listening to the VoA broadcasting on 11720 kHz at 2100 UTC. The program was destined for West Africa, but appears to have slipped over the continent and gone 3/4 the way round the world to Mangawhai. It was a program of modern popular music. I have sent a report so await a reply with interest. Does the VoA still QSL?

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

MW Loggings Early March

 I have had some problems with my EWE antenna and the cable running to it. Thanks to the good services of Paul Ormandy in Oamaru, I have a new cable. I got home fromwork last ngiht, installed the cable only to discover that the aerial didn't work on MW - but it did on SW. Closer investigation revealed that the earth wire had come adrift at one end. Once that was connected, away I went.

What I heard follows. I should point out that the X-Band stations heard on 3/3 were caught on the NZRDXL's Mangawhai SDR, located at the home of my good friend, Bryan Clark.

I am using an AirSpy HF+ Discovery, which seems to work very well. I would like ot be using my WinRadio G33 DDC Excalibur, but alas it is not well and WinRadio want to charge $400+ AUD just to open it up. That's without the courier postage. It was cheaper to buy a new radio - literally. 

The AirSpy HF+ Discovery is a good radio and on the SDR Sharp software performs well. I am not running the latest version (1810), rather the one before - 1790 from memory.

Anyway here are my loggings:

FreqTime UTCDetails
14100831CANADA, CFTE fair but suffered splash from 1413. SMF 9/39/3
14900740ECUADOR, R Sta Maria - fair/ poor mixed with others. // website but not dominant. 9/3 SMF9/3
14900743COLOMBIA, HJZB La Voz de los Robles, Tulua - fair and mixed with others. Mx prgm - confirmed by web // 9/3 SMF9/3
15500727USA, KRPI, Ferndale, WA fair with Hindi vocals. Fading in and out. Fair/ Good when "in"! SMF 9/39/3
15700713HAWAII, KUAU fair/ good with religious talk. SMF 9/39/3
16000720USA, KVRI, Blaine, WA good with Indian singing and axmnts. SMF 9/39/3
16200750CUBA, R Rebelde fair/ good with Latin mx. Dominant on freq.// website 3/3 SMF3/3
16500755MEXICO, XEARZ Mexico City // website, but fair/poor mixed with two others - one a vocals stn (sounded SS), another US stn had ads in EE and had religious talk prior to them. Unknown. 3/3 SMF3/3

I was very pleased to hear the Ecuadorian and the Colombian. They were not dominant, but each had music that was quite distinctive and with the web feed quite identifiable.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

A Shortwave Logging

 I had the pleasure of listening to Rádio Nacional da Amazônia's DRM broadcast on March 3rd on the frequency of 11910 at 0213 UTC.

The receiver was the NZRDXL SDR based in Mangawhai, connected to a 5m EWE. It was a very good and clear signal until a thunder storm arrived and then the signal deteriorated badly, unsurprisingly.

I have sent a report and will be interested to see if they reply.

Sunday, 28 February 2021

A verification has come in

 KZOO 1210 in Honolulu, HI has been kind enough to reply to my nagging on Facebook Messenger and have verified my report of April 2020.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Loggings for February

 I finally received my new AirSpy HF+ Discovery receiver: good value for $162 USD. The first night was very disappointing - it just didn't work and I was despondent. However, when I went outside I realised that the earth wire had come off the EWE and so the aerial wasn't working! Once it was put back on, it was all systems go.

Highlights of the month have been a couple of nights where overseas stations have come in like locals. XEB 1220 was one such exmple. Radio Felicidad in Lima was another. The last time I heard stations form that part of the world as strong was back in about 2004-5 when at Tiwai we would hear ZNS1 Bahamas at local strength. It was incredible and so were these stations. 

I have not had much opportunity to listen this month due to going back to school. However, that is about to end and so hopefully I will hear a whole lot more shortly.

Meanwhile, the February loggings are posted below. I have not included stations I heard last month as there is no point. 

9400853USA, KFIG Fresno fair with football talk. 6/2 SMF
11800724USA, R Marti Marathon FL, fair with SS talk and mx. QRM from 1179 quite bad. SMF 15/2
12100840USA, KGYN Guymon OK fair with sports talk. Mixed. 6/2 SMF
12100810USA, KPRZ San Marcos CA fair/ poor with religious prgm - mixed with KGYN 14/2 SMF
12100640HAWAII, KZOO (tentative) vg with mx. Not sure about the mx style. Sounded Mex to me, but not sure. No axmnts. 12/2 SMF
12200630MEXICO, XEB presumed with latin mx and SS axmnts. Exc signal 12/2 SMF
12900922USA, KAZA San Jose fair in mix with mentions of San Jose. SMF 12/2
13600733PERU, R Bienestar Fair/ good with religious talk mixed with another. 15/2 SMF
13800745MEXICO, XECO Mexico City the most likely. Mx with axmnts in SS. Not a great signal and a lot of splash from 1377 and 1386. 15/2 SMF
14300651USA, KVVN Sta Clara CA fair at best, but clear with VV vocals. SMF 13/2
14600908USA, KION good and clear with C to C with ads. Mixed but dominant. SMF 12/2
14700750MEXICO, R Formula with ads and mentions of Formula under R Felicidad. Formula at fair levels with fading and Felicidad at vg levels. 15/2 SMF

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Mediumwave Loggings

 A very happy New Year to all.

My wife and I have moved into our as yet unfinished home on the hills above and behind Mangawhai. We have spectacular views over the estuary, see and islands. One of the first things I did was to erect a 5m EWE antenna pointing north east towards North America.

My WinRadio Excalibur has broken down and I cannot afford to have it repaired $415 AUD just to have a look at it without mentioning courier charges.

Fortunately my AOR 7030+ has just been repaired and is now working as well as ever. While DXing with a conventional radio has its frustrations, it has proved that is was worth the money I originally paid for it back in 1996!

There is nothing terribly spectacular in this list, but there is quite a lot of it. Conditions have been up and down - noisy some nights and quiet others. The good thing is that there appears to be no electrical interference evident form our house, nor from the neighbour's new house. It has also been interesting that even on evenings where the band has been noisy, the bottom end of the band (530-700) has been pretty quiet.

As a result of my WinRadio going kaputt, I have purchased an AirSpy HF+ Discovery, the arrival of which I am awaiting with bated breath!

FreqTime UTCDetails
5500802HAWAII, KNUI presumed with talk, mixed KUZZ // with website SMF 4/1
5700746USA, KLAC fair with sports news SMF 4/1
5800745USA, KMJ fair at best with talk and ads SMF 4/1
6000806CANADA, CKSP Sher e Punjab Radio dominant this evening. Woman speaking in Hindi/ Punjabi. some mx. // website. Mx stn underneath. SMF 5/1
6500806HAWAII, KPRP fair/ poor but clear with ads for Hawaii. SMF 5/1
6600811USA, KTNN fair when not swamped in splash from 657. // website. Mixed with unknown talk stn CFFR perhaps?? SMF 6/1
6700749HAWAII, KPUA suspected with talk - poor but no other noise. SMF 3/1
6800839USA, KNBR fair with sports nx on a poor night. SMF 31/12
6900937USA, KHNR mixed with another - at good strength. Good id on hr SMF 1/1
6900937CANADA, CBU presumed with BBC type prog. mixed KHNR SMF 31/12
6900800MEXICO XEWW with oldies type songs, Chinese language axmnts, SS nx on the hour and mentions of Mexico SMF 3/1
7200815USA, UNKNOWN - either KDWN or WGN likely - talk at fair levels. No sign of 4YZ and splash from 729, Northland. SMF 6/1
7400817USA, KCBS fair with talk. a bit noisy and hard to discern what was being said. SMF 6/1
7500820USA, Unknown. It is not WSB (checked web link). KXTG has sports nx online. It could be KOAL?? Unknown. SMF 6/1
7700859USA, KKOB probable stn. Ads before the hour mentioning Red Eye Radio. KKOB is an affiliate. SMF 16/1
7800920USA, KKOH ads at fair strength //website. SMF 9/1
8200808USA, WBAP presumed with Red Eye Radio - fair but a lot of atmospheric noise and some splash from 819. SMF 4/1
8800948USA, KRVN fair to good with talk. Splash from 882. Fair SMF 13/1
8900912USA, WLS possibly with Red Eye Radio - seems same prog as on 820. Poor/ fair with bad splash from 891. SMF 4/1
9100915USA, KOXR mx - 1st number sounded SS then what followed didn't. Fair at best with a lot of noise. SMF 4/1
9600920USA, unknown with ads and then died when prog recommenced. Ads for car dealership, Apple electronics. Signal dies on hour. SMF 4/1
10000825USA, KOMO presumed with nx and talk. Fair. Bad splash 999 SMF 4/1
10300846USA, KTWO suspected with news and talk. Fair at best. Bad splash 1026. SMF 13/1
10600801CANADA, CKMX (tentative) fair with comedy sketches. Other stns in background. SMF 10/1
10700923USA, KNX very good with nx about the effect of Covid on the advertising industry. SMF 4/1
10900939USA, KFNQ suspected under splash from 1089 with sports.Fair and clear when splash subsided. Seemed to match web feed. Relaying KJR. SMF 13/1
11100837USA, Unknown - possibly KRDC with song 'Hooked On A Feeling' fair at best. 1/21
11300753USA, unknown with talk in EE could not identify. Fair/ poor with fades and mixed with mx. SMF 5/1
11400752USA, KHTK fair with sports talk. SMF 5/1
11500758USA, KEIB with ads and mention of Fox news. Fair levels SMF 10/1
11600750USA, KSL fair with talk but mixed with another talk station, possibly C to C but not sure. 5/1
11700757USA, KLOK fair with Indian vocals. SMF 10/1
11900758USA, KEX Fair with ads. In clear. Good KEX id on hour followed by the news. SMF 14/1
12000744CANADA, CJRJ fair under WOAI with singing // website SMF 5/1
12000745USA, WOAI Fair to good with C to C. SMF 5/1
12600840USA, KMZT dominant, mixed with others SMF 31/12
12700740HAWAII, KNDI fair to good with island mx. SMF 5/1
13100750USA, KMKY at fair levels at times with Asian (sounded Indian) pops. Mixed with what may have been a SS speaking stn and a talk stn. SMF 10/1
14600715USA, KION fair and clear with C to C and talk about organic foods. Fades SMF 5/1
15400926HAWAII, KREA - fair/ gd in KK with lots of talk. Mntions of Hawaii in ads SMF 9/1
15700713HAWAII, KUAI fair/ poor but clear with religious talk. SMF 5/1
15800924MEXICO, XERF at good strenth with mx. SMF 9/1
16700812USA, KHPY fair/ gd in SS and EE with religious talk. SMF 5/1
16900811USA, KSFG (presumed) with mx interspresed with axmnts. SMF 5/1